We are historic Johnson County, located in northeast Tennessee.
Our county seat is in Mountain City, where most of our operations and services are situated. We are a designated Three Star Community and strive for excellence in community development. Our history and Appalachian culture is rooted in rural America farming which was followed by mills, timber and mining.
We are mountain and lake country with beautiful natural resources that we have protected for the benefit of our residents and those who visit our area. These natural resources have helped our county to become a family vacation destination and a desirable place to live, so we are experiencing growth in our tourism, business and real estate sectors. There are tremendous opportunities to grow and develop your business here in Johnson County, while enjoying a good quality of life.
Johnson County Properties
There are currently no county properties available for lease.
Johnson County Organized Camps (aka Campgrounds) Regulations
The Tennessee Division of Environmental Health is responsible for the inspection of organized camps.
For more details, please go to https://www.tn.gov/health/health-program-areas/eh-program/eh-camps.html
Johnson County - Fair Housing
Johnson County is committed to affirmatively furthering Fair Housing through raising awareness of Fair Housing Law and the requirement that all citizens are treated fairly in all housing matters, including buying or renting, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability for family size. If you believe you are a victim of housing discrimination, visit www.hud.gov/fairhousing to file a complaint or call HUD’s housing discrimination hotline 1-800-669-9777.
Johnson County Subdivision Regulations
As amended through October 18, 2012. Download PDF version here.
Johnson County Commission Districts, School Board/Constable Districts & Precinct Maps
Johnson County Map
The only incorporated municipality is Mountain City which also serves as the county seat.